As I nearly cannot stop thinking of the 20-something-year-old young man I had to send to the ER the other day who is being worked up for numerous issues including myocarditis, nor the previously healthy and medicine free 60-some-year-old I recently saw who now suffers from cardiomyopathy after his heart attack and cardiogenic shock less than 3 weeks after his booster, nor the hospitalized 70-some-year-old with a massive clot in his biliary tree, I enclose this video and ask you watch and share with those you know and love... And I pray. I invite you to pray as well.
I would also like to invite comments this week, no one wants to hit the heart to love this post. I, like you, rather dislike the content here today, yet seek truth, prevention, and healing, I hope.
Please comment as you see fit, or with the name of someone you know who suffered or passed suddenly or unexpectedly shortly after their shots. First name only if you are uncomfortable with a full name. But may we remember them, and this massive deceit, forever.
If links don’t come through, simply copy paste into your browser. If it is blocked, try the BRAVE browser. Censorship and shadow banning remain a problem, blocking truth.
Also, here is a direct link to my book, GASOLINE -Observations After New Covid Inoculations, which I invite you to read and gift to others, perhaps with your heartfelt plea on the first page to the one you love who needs to seeeeeeeeeee. My goal is not cash, it is truth of the issue and reflection on authorities we once trusted… and I do have a goal to be in 50 nations for people of many tribes and nations, so if you know anyone overseas, please let them know, it is on amazon in several nations. I may raise the price of the book soon, as I have a had a few tell me it’s worth at least $10, so get it now at its lower price:
Attend to God’s words... They produce life and healing for the whole body. Proverbs 4:20-22.
May there be return and revival in Truth, to Him.
These places may help recovery and healing as well:
Dr. Stella Immanuel