Babies & Fans, too. Unprecendented!
About 40X usual fetal demise. 15X usual number of athlete drops. 1100% increase in military death.
Pray. Prepare. Peace to you. Please present TRUTH to the world. You are worth the truth, as well as are your loved ones, friends and neighbors and strangers. Get free from the lies. There is no real peace without truth. There is no real healing without first acknowledging and turning from lies and err in humility. Love one another. There is no wise or healthy or loving decision making in the future without discernment of truth vs. error.
I love you. I am heartbroken. If I die, I didn’t do it LOL, or I died of broken heart syndrome. My patients continue to suffer and die. Boosters are bad news too, friends.
And currently the jabbed patients getting covid, (sometimes less than a few months after booster), are sicker and linger longer, and sicker more often, than their unjabbed counterparts. IMHO and daily encounters, of course.
Some call me dramatic or too serious. I’d rather be both than be superficial or in humorous denial my whole life. I’ll appear as a doldrums to others sometimes. Better than a fake or fooled.
I rejoice and await. Thankful and blessed. Peaceful and on purpose.
Once you’re awake. DO SOMETHING. For you, your family, your children, THE children and THEIR future.
photo cred
See the Dr sitting next to the nurse on the video, who didn’t yet speak? His name is Dr Thorp, a widely respected 40 year OB doc. Don’t like or trust docs? Ask your local midwife : )
See Dr Thorp’s comments below in this post- in Steve Kirsh’s Ron Johnson’s substack (Steve- I highly recommend following on substack).
Steve and I have talked often lately. He’s a double MIT grad engineer, likes data, and was awakened when he lost all his friends and was shunned upon telling the truth.
I only slightly know the feeling. I haven’t lost all my friends (I have very discerning close friends who mostly didn’t need truth, they knew it) but many acquaintances gave me the cold shoulder for a long time. Old fair weather friends shunned me. Some are coming around.
And Pfizer’s own data:
Here is another doctor:
Here is doctor Thorp’s own letter Nov 10, 2022.
Athletes: (part 9)
pHARM in ‘science’ and ethics, censorship and lies
meet Dr James Lyons-Weiler another amazing doc: Dr James Lyons Weiler PA Medical Freedom Press Conference - YouTube Find him at
There are hundreds of other sources I could have put here, but this is plenty to get you started.
So, this post can keep you busy for hours, and offers leads to tons of info. Simply don’t believe me? Check out or the Epoch Times and find their Timeline. Change your ‘news’ sources friends. ALL we see is nearly propaganda, CNN vs FOX, LOL, no matter nearly all is prop. Go far away from all you knew and trusted. It is time for a change.
Share some or all of with those in the dark. Offer to host a 6 hour night at your house. Anything, but help share truth and get free from lies. And pray for healing for all.
BTW, Rasmussen recently did a poll:
The best source of truth? Your bible. If you don’t get it, understand it, and can’t relate… repent, seek Him, get alone with it, get with other bible believers who closely follow JESUS. Not a single pastor or teacher, a bible studying group. But, nothing compares to meeting with HIM alone and seeking Him with all your heart. Immediately next to worshipping Him alone is doing so with trusted friends and family. On your last day on this planet, God does not care what you think of others, or if someone ever offended you (for you surely offended someone as well, not to mention the bible says to not be easily offended, and your relation with God sets right your relations with others).
He wants to know what you decided about Jesus, and if you followed HIM.
Love and peace, friends.
10 Carefully determine what pleases the Lord. 11 Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them. Ephesians 5:10-11
19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. John 3:19-20
5 This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. 6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. 7 But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1: 5-7
13 But their evil intentions will be exposed when the light shines on them, 14 for the light makes everything visible. Ephesians 5:13-14
For her rich men are full of violence,
Her inhabitants have spoken lies,
And their tongue is deceitful in their mouth. Micah 6:12
There are hundreds more bible verses that speak truth and light and goodness and healing and peace into our lives.
Praise Jesus, He made a Way out of the dark for us.
Happy New Year 2023!