“I’m just so tired all the time and I don’t know why”
“I get tired so fast, I am going back to bed after breakfast”
“I need a nap after lunch, I never took naps before”
“He (She) is sleeping so much more and eating less and losing weight”
“I’m just tired all the time, I’m losing weight and I don’t know why, I’m not trying”
If I had a dollar for every time I have heard these types of statements in the last 18 months.. best guess is I’d have $250-300. Now of course one would hear statements like this in primary care. But not several times in one day, not in young folks in their early 30s repeatedly, not this repeated complaint that is lasting over a year, not so many elder folks developing chronic fatigue and failure to thrive in such a short period of time.
Diagnostic work-ups can reveal common causes of fatigue, labwork and cancer screenings can be done. Things can be ruled out.
There are some trending lab results noted post covid shots. Not everyone has these trends in their labs, of course! But, some do!
Elevated liver enzymes for some. Thankfully, in many folks this is transient.
Changes in thyroid function, autoimmune in some. Thankfully, this also seems transient in some people.
Elevated potassium, high calcium and low magnesium for others. When this calcium/magnesium ratio gets too high or when potassium gets too high it can be dangerous to your heart rhythm, it can make you quite fatigued feeling, it can lead to kidney stones (high calcium) and other high calcium related diagnoses. This seems to develop later on in a month to several months, not immediately.
Pancytopenia.. or a low blood count in nearly all cell types in some, including low white cells (that fight infection), low red cells, low hemoglobin/low hematcrit (that carry oxygen around your body), low PLT (or high in bleeding or autoimmune hemolytic anemia)(that clot blood, .. or don’t correctly when they are malfunctioning), low immature cells from the bone marrow. This also seems to develop a bit later after the injections, in a few folks.
Elevated D-dimer in some folks. This can indicate clotting somewhere but other causes should be ruled out. The brain for folks with severe brain fog, and overt failure to thrive.. so it would create an acute onset dementia, an unusually rapid progression of dementia or Parkinson’s disease, or a simple ‘natural causes’ of old age. Thus, these are more difficult to discern but it can be done.
Temporal association, family history, personal history, the work-ups and other factors can guide the investigation and how best to treat issues toward improving them.
Bolstering our overall physical and mental health in every way we can, addressing these lab abnormalities, and avoiding the triggers that caused these issues in the first place can improve the symptoms. Some will need medications, hopefully temporarily. A few, especially elders, have suffered severely and some sadly suffered demise. I believe earlier than they would have it there were no trigger.
Go to FLCCC.net, truthforhealth.org, myfreedoctor.com, react19.org and americasclinic to get help to recover if your medical provider doesn’t recognize this, refuses to acknowledge you and to help you, and to find research supporting this post. I hope that isn’t the case, as I remain hopeful more and more medical pros are coming around to see these strange, new, recurring health issues in so many beautiful people across this beautiful world.
Much love, friends.
P.S. You can read more about liver enzymes, failure to thrive, and this troubling phenomenon in one chapter of my upcoming book, GASOLINE -Observations After Covid Inoculations, for release Sept. 7 on Amazon.