You will know.. by their fruit. ~Matthew 7, Matthew 12, Proverbs 1 & many more
You will know them by their good or evil fruit.
True or false fruit. Discerning, uniting OR provoking, dividing fruit.
Today, another word study.
Devil, diablos in the Spanish, root in Latin diabolus, Greek diabolos
diábolos (from 1225 /diabállō, "to slander, accuse, defame") – properly, a slanderer; a false accuser; unjustly criticizing to hurt (malign) and condemn to sever a relationship Strong's Greek: 1228. διάβολος (diabolos) -- slanderous, accusing falsely (
the personal supreme spirit of evil often represented in Christian belief as the tempter of humankind, the leader of all apostate angels, and the ruler of hell—usually used with the—often used as an interjection, an intensive, or a generalized term of abuse; what the devil is this? the devil you say!
an evil spirit : DEMON
: something very trying or provoking
having a devil of a time with this problem
: severe criticism or rebuke : HELL
I'll probably catch the devil (hell) for this
: the difficult, deceptive, or problematic part of something
the devil is in the details (I hope in our instant gratification and 5G speed world, you are paying attn to the slower, deeper details)
“Diablo.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 26 Aug. 2023.
“Devil.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 26 Aug. 2023.
And a bit deeper on demon:
c. 1200, "an evil spirit, malignant supernatural being, an incubus, a devil," from Latin daemon "spirit," from Greek daimōn "deity, divine power; lesser god; guiding spirit, tutelary deity"; "one's genius, lot, or fortune;" from PIE *dai-mon- "divider, provider" (of fortunes or destinies), from root *da- "to divide."
demon | Etymology, origin and meaning of demon by etymonline. Accessed 26 Aug. 2023
I’d like to repeat that. Please note “divider, provider” and from root *da- “to divide”’.
Divider. To divide.
How many billions of broken hearts, families, and lives have been divided by falsehood and evil? Unjust critiques? Have we thought about that? Can a broken family talk about it.. yet? If not, division has recently flourished, and it isn’t a good fortune or destiny. It even bore added division and falsehood in fashion after it, in myriad forms around us. All coercing, dividing, slandering falsely, and severing relationships.
Do you know how many people told me their daughter or daughter-in- law or ex told them they were never ever going to see or even be able to talk to their own children again or newborn grandchildren unless they took an experimental jab or two or three?
Do you know how many people died alone in the hospital or a nursing home? (this didn’t even happen when modern medicine was in the dark about AIDS in the 80s!)
Do you know how many people lost their ability to provide for their family and work relationships after many years of loyal work to their boss or company or nation?
Do you know how many people suffered alone (in one way or another) and committed suicide or for the first time ever had suffered depression or anxiety?
Do you know how many people, have been alone- left behind without help by a world, nation, ‘medical’ system and sometimes even family who will not even acknowledge them or help them despite now being fully disabled by a jab effect?
How many families were separated, children from parents, spouses and siblings, pre-holocaust?
I could go on and on, but frankly that’s enough.
The fruit is rotten, friends. Did you know there are dozens upon dozens of big pharma settlements in the millions and billions in recent years, well before covid19? No, it is never in your ‘news’. and and nearly $5B has been paid to compensate just a portion of vaccine injured who kept the strength to fight for it in the US, before covid:
Have you read the major and minor prophets in the Bible, often telling characteristics of good and evil rulers? Ezekiel? Peter’s warnings? The Thessalonian warnings? There are numerous other places throughout the bible to help us discern and know fruit. We can also pray for wisdom and ask the Holy Spirit, Who is our Helper, to help us discern.
Have you read 1984 or Animal Farm by George Orwell?
Do not be easily fooled by the word ‘provider’ (of fortunes or destinies).
Just because something or someone is labeled or thought of as a ‘provider’ doesn't necessarily mean they are/it is genuine or good. For there certainly are bad, evil, lying and ill-intentioned providers of all kinds guiding others’ fortunes and destinies. As well, fortunes and destinies can be bad sometimes, sadly. No one wants to talk about those but they do exist. Animal Farm and our government’s covid policy are good, and strikingly similar, examples.
I’d like to believe otherwise, but I prefer reality to tickled ears. I prefer discernment of reality vs. falsehood. Falsehood is a good word to know, perhaps we’ll study it next time.
I hope you can also see that there are many, many words that initially lead us to perceive one way when we read them, though upon pause, we can easily see they hold particular meaning in certain contexts and by the user/speaker/writer of the word.
Contexts which can be misleading, nudge-technology (tech ads/articles/’news’/info that ‘nudges’ your brain into thinking a certain way, accepting something as truth/norm, or slowly chips away at a prior held belief with repeated messaging), and even propaganda.
I can hear some folks now. “Oh, come on Deanna, it wasn’t propaganda at the time!”, or “They (CDC, FDA, gov) did the best they could as they learned about the virus”. Let me introduce you to a couple from Poland, in their 90s, and Vera Sherov, a holocaust survivor, and a hedge fund exec. It was propaganda. If a person knew that gain of function research was happening at UNC Chapel Hill in 2014 and knew that our US congress moved it to Wuhan in 2017, they knew it was propaganda. (By the way, they are still doing it, they just moved it again). I knew it was propaganda for that reason, but then I met a sweet ole couple one day who outright confirmed it again for me.
In the summer of 2021, I saw a little old couple in their 90s who were originally from Poland. They were spry and healthy for their age, and serious, too. They said to me, “We never thought we would see this happen again in our lifetime!”. The woman said, “People didn’t learn from history!”. The old man said, “I can’t believe the public is so dumb.. dumbed down, to believe all of this.” Don’t shoot the messenger if the word ‘dumb’ angers you. I didn’t say it, he did. A few hours later I had a woman in her 80s who did annual mission work in Africa shout at me, “I will never wear a mask, this is lies!”, “no one in Africa is wearing a mask or dying!”. She also knew about ‘vaccine’ atrocities in Africa in years past, perpetuated by the same shameful eugenicists that are hard at work today.
You can hear Vera and others, here, here or here Don’t go to this last site site unless you are ready to learn new, hard things about things you thought you knew!
This is infowars, WW3, or psywarfare. I don’t care what you call it, it is what it is.
War is good for business, news is propaganda, they don’t want you to notice them and don’t think you care enough to get off the couch.
And remember, your ‘trusted news initiative’ is not trustworthy
Just like the World Health Organization is the antithesis to health or freedom to choose medical care. Tadros, the leader, is a named terrorist and wants the right to single-handedly declare a worldwide pandemic and institute control apart from nations. The WHO seeks to dismiss national sovereignty and reduce the population for the so-called health of the world, the globe. Not humans. Rather, seek the World Council for, whom wikipedia calls a pseudo-health organization. Wikipedia lies about many things. See, they use their own words to sound pleasing, but are evil. Try thinking about the words in another context from the one your brain is trained to perceive, in order to widen the lens of discernment. They tell and print and sell lies. Then, they turn on the good upon being called out, try to and often do censor it, and call good evil. Sound familiar? Yep, a bible verse. We must discern.
Back to contexts. Contexts must be examined closely and discerned, not ignored, swept under the rug, or hushed so as to not make one slightly uncomfortable.
They’ll just be even more uncomfortable later or eventually… unless they somehow remain entirely ignorant. As they say, ignorance is bliss. Hmm. Has it been bliss for the ignorant the last few years? Is it bliss for those who try to remain ignorant?
Discern, my friends. Take good care of yourself and your loved ones. Get to know, and eat, fruit you may not have considered before. Unite, love, and share better than yesterday. Sleep deep and rest, and then..
get to work telling the truth, working for freedom, working for the Lord. And..
do not perpetuate falsehood to your brother or sister. Do not comply.
Very well put. Thank you. Discernment is a must!