This is a representation of how many competing voices and images we have in our feed, our head, our ‘news’, our research, and perhaps even our circles of family and friends, work, sports, church, neighborhoods and local hang outs:
I have not seen the emmy/grammy ‘show’ or ‘program’, whatever it was, that many are talking about recently where the worldly fortune & famers were all in deep dark red, were glorified on stage and seen by millions, have you? Nor do I care to. How many televised events ‘program’ the masses’ thinking? Who pays for and promotes them and the commercials between? More and more, I pay no mind to them. But, I am aware of them and increasingly alert.
Busy fixing my mind elsewhere. Perhaps you are too.
It’s a discipline of the mind, spirit or heart/soul,.. and body.
Still, even if we don’t view many of those shows, we must be able to discern a barrage of messaging every day and for our children. Hopefully, we are sharing and teaching others to discern as well, if we care about anyone other than ourselves.
So, today I offer not my many patients’ stories nor medical research or another good doctor’s cross post. Today, I offer a quick, few minute word study.
I pray it touches you, spreads far, and changes things. I hope someday we meet and can catch up, if I don’t already know you personally. For I love you already! I sure wouldn’t be doing this and risking my neck and career in writing my book had I not.
If you don’t know Jesus closely and love Him so, I beg, plead, and beg with all I am that you will at least finish reading this article as an introduction to the deep, true, perfect meaning and mystery He is and His Word reveals, to all who genuinely look for Him and for all of Life and death. For you. Because He loves you so much He died to save you. Just you. He wants to have you with Him. Just Forever. He has and does love you with Everlasting Love.
Mostly, I pray we discern with truth and wisdom, …and when we just cannot, that we know where and Who to look to learn, to trust in, and keep firm faith and love in. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Let us study together the word ‘sorcery’/ ‘sorceries’. The greek meaning for this word in at least 3 bible verses extends to at least another 14 bible verses as part of the same definitions, and dozens far beyond that if we include each listed definition word separately. I list the verses after these next few paragraphs.
Sorcery in greek is ‘pharmakeia’. You will recognize the pharma part, I hope. I don’t have greek letters handy, but look it up in a greek lexicon or the Literal Word app which I use often to learn about God and His Word.
It means to administer drugs, medicines, or spells.
Secondarily, it means poisoning, witchcraft and magician or magic arts.
Now, DO NOT go stopping your regular medicines all willy-nilly and abruptly! That could harm you. Research, see and talk to your providers for guidance, get as healthy as possible, discern and change bad health habits. Don’t quit the meds today! This is NOT medical or nursing advice! Yes, I prescribe medicines nearly every day. I also change doses, lower doses, stop medicines, constantly push lifestyle and diet changes and alternative health care providers and products. I tell people straight up when they absolutely need a diet change or a supplement before a medication. I practice shared decision making and informed consent. I let them steer the ship and I’m the navigator but they steer and plan and hope and venture out. I’ve been around a few decades in hospitals and medicine. Many meds save lives every day. There comes a time, or a disease occasionally, when meds are necessary and are definitely keeping you alive and healthier. Some folks are far gone in meds and must carefully and slowly work their way out or get a miracle. It is doable. Some medicines are golden and others I would absolutely never prescribe, even before covid nonsense. Some make you dumb and slow. Some control your heart and keep you alive in doing so. Some make you add more meds for side effects and are a slippery slope. Some open your lungs and let you breathe and live. Yes indeed. Some are a gift from God and some are a tool of the enemy. That’s this nurse practitioner’s take. Medical and nursing folks, and everyone, must discern carefully.
Galatians 5:20, Revelation 18:23, and Revelation 9:21 directly relate to pharmakeia as in administration of medicines and spells/magic spells. Nahum 3:4, Isaiah 47:9,12, 2 Kings 9:22, Micah 5:12, 2 Chronicles 33:6, Exodus 7:11, 22:18, Deuteronomy 18:10, Daniel 2:2, Malachi 3:5, and Revelation 17:2-5, 21:8, and 22:15 all have the additional definition of poisoning, witchcraft, and magic arts/magician.
Yes, as in Revelation 18:23, the nations and billions were deceived.
(Still don’t believe me? Read Ed Dowd’s new release book Cause Unknown.. The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths…. OH and praise God Switzerland and Thailand and many lawyers and docs here in the US are not only winning cases on all things covid nonsense but suing the mass perpetrators. Thousands of nurses are getting their jobs back (but many don’t want to go back), mandates are dropping like flies, parents are not jabbing their kids thank the GOOD LORD. Legal cases are expected to soar in 2023).
No, I am not saying the world is ending today or next year or predicting anything at all! No, Jesus followers or church friends, I am not saying this is a salvation issue, but I am asking you to discern and take action living that out. Watch what you say and be sure you are not perpetuating deceit and fear. Use caution and reflect. I am asking everyone whether you know Jesus or not, to get discernment, get wisdom, get free from the world that does nothing but bring you down and work to destroy. I believe there is no true discernment without the Holy Spirit of God, but that is your choice to make. There will be another crisis, another deceit, or another lie to you and your children every day.
Will you discern? Who will guide you?
Next time I may do a word or phrase study on evil/lawless and rich oppressors. This also clued me in early. Check their previous fruit, is it bad or good? The bible is full of history with the same kinds of evil, rich oppressors, and history is good at being repeated. There’s nothing new under the sun. Everything becomes and will be new though, with and in the Son. Yes, with Him, this is the perfect place.
P.S. Please feel free to reach out to me at anytime if you want to know more about Jesus and His saving grace, His, and our, Perfect Father, and His Holy Spirit, Who guides us into all truth, Who IS Truth, and Who is our MIGHTY COUNSELOR.
He is God, three in ONE, and GOD ALMIGHTY.
Enjoy this song, album, all of Crowder and the like, and find the praise, fun, and love your heart seeks:
(OH! and quit youtube and go to RUMBLE, where there’s a bit of truth, no canceling of doctors, some freedom and you will find a WHOLE NEW WORLD of all things covid nonsense and other lies exposed. Have nothing to do with evil deeds, rather expose them- the gospel in the book of Mark)
Good God Almighty! Praise the Lord! A Crowder fan, no less!
It was the exact same day I published And, oh yeah, that Grammy abomination you referenced was, in fact, sponsored by LuciPfizer.
We just might have to compare some notes! ~ Blessings to you, daughter of the Most High God. There is a little treat, perfect for you, at the end of this wonderful blessing. HalleluYAH!
That is very good Deanna, thank you.