Lots of clots are life-threatening, life-changing, ..and now, common
Massive clots, multiple clots, and micro-clots
Welcome! If you are new here, I hope you’ll go back and read my first post on high blood pressure. It outlines the numbers of people I believe have been affected by the new covid shots in some way, which is in the tens of millions in the US, and hundreds of millions around the globe. Each post I write will discuss adverse events, clinical rationale, research supporting the discussion, and occasionally, deaths I believe were attributed. I invite everyone to support Banners4Freedom.com, who even has a billboard on Broadway in NYC, and visit openvaers.com. Each time you check, with just a couple clicks, on openvaers.com, please remember that it is estimated now, and has been for decades, to be only 1% of reality. Sadly, there are now post covid shot children’s events there as well. I hesitated to look at the numbers. Don’t look if you are not prepared.
The US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is passive, has many faults, should have been upgraded or scrapped entirely years ago, and some now say it is even intermittently scrubbed. Duplicating searches, and searching for names previously known to be submitted, has been challenging, making it suspect. Critics of VAERS say that anything can be reported by anyone, such as a death from a car accident or a fall or regular pneumonia and that everyone erroneously blames things on the vaccine, so all of VAERS means nothing. I say, if it means nothing, then why is it all we have to track experimental new biotechnologies on the entire population, including the workforce and military, and why wasn’t it upgraded, replaced and refined? In 1986, pharmaceutical companies gained total protection from liability for injuries, disabilities, and deaths from vaccines, ..perhaps forevermore? (I hope enough leaders will right that wrong soon!) If it means nothing, why are 2021s adverse event and death numbers exponentially higher than all other vaccines combined in our lifetime? Why wasn’t it revamped and made efficient while covid shots were being developed, so it would be ready when the masses received these new, experimental injections?
If you were injured and reported to VAERS, you may also want to consider reporting yourself or loved one to truthforhealth.org, react19.org, or mycyclestory.com (menstrual/ovarian changes). Yes, doctors are supposed to report, but most don’t, have never heard of it -if they are older, don’t connect it or believe the issue is vaccine related, are kept hushed by their employer, and simply, honestly do not have time. I have reported many people, and each report takes 15-25 minutes on our own time. There is certainly no time to report during work hours.
A woman in her 70s did not take a long road trip or airplane ride, did not smoke, did not have high blood pressure, did not take prescription medications, and was active and thin. She did not have any significant medical history nor family history related to clot formation and thus had no risks for deep vein thrombosis (DVT), or a blood clot in a deep vein. She presented to me complaining of right leg pain for a little over a week that felt like a cramp and ache, and which intermittently radiated higher up her leg when she was in bed at night, but thought it was getting better the last couple of days.
DVT is one of the most common misdiagnoses in primary and urgent care visits, and if the clot is missed and travels to the lungs or heart, the person can end up in critical condition or die, sometimes suddenly. So, I typically order a doppler ultrasound to rule out a DVT unless I am 100% certain the cause of pain is something different. Her right leg was warmer and slightly larger than her left, so it was certainly high risk. Had she had covid sometime in the last six months? Was this clot a covid complication? No, she had not, so no, it was not. She did have a booster though, a month earlier. Spike protein is spike protein, I don’t care how one gets it.
Now I was told that the large hospital corporation in the city where I work, on more than one occasion in 2021, said that scheduling an ultrasound to rule out a clot urgently was no longer possible. Wait times were often six weeks out in 2021. Now, why could that be? I had never heard of this in years past. The other option is to send her to the ER, but many patients don’t want to go to the ER now, they complain they know it is so busy and are afraid to go to the hospital, some for fear of covid and some for fear of poor attention to their needs. So I referred her to a local vein specialist, who could test my patients in less than 48 hours in most cases and if I request same day, they will usually try to make it happen. Sure enough, she had two clots in her right leg.
She would require an expensive blood thinner medication, called an anticoagulant. The anticoagulants, other than the old warfarin AKA coumadin, are slotted high as expected moneymakers for investors in pharmaceutical companies, as is projected on their websites, (if you do deep digging in investors and partners pages), until at least 2026. Now, why could that be? In the subsequent two months at her now many follow-up visits, she also developed high blood pressure.. see my last post.
In 2021-22, I have seen over two dozen people with various clots. A few of them did get covid, after their shots and after their clot. Leg (DVT), lung (pulmonary embolus/ PE), brain (stroke/ CVA or mini-stroke/ TIA or microclots), toes/fingertips (microclots to the microscopic/tiny vessels), and intestine (mesenteric). Sometimes clots are seen on imaging. Microclots are typically not seen on imaging. When I highly suspect them, or want to confirm coagulation, the D-dimer blood test can confirm or disprove it. Of course, each type of clot presents differently, and various imaging can be ordered.
In previous years, I would see 4-5 clots a year, and zero microclots to the toes, intestine, or brain. The microclots to the toes and/or fingertips present as gray, very dark reddish purple, or near black. I have had a diabetic say the feeling is distinctly different than their usual diabetic neuropathy pain in the feet. I have had a person say their fingertips are all numb and the nailbeds are gray. I have had four people with a petechial rash on the feet with pain in the toes. I have had a half dozen people complain of heel pain. Not plantar fasciitis. Heel pain, then later discoloration of the feet. That is something I have never had in primary care before. Now, years ago in critical care nursing, I would occasionally have a critical patient with the fingers and toes like this, but even then, no heel pain. Other labs, such as platelets, fibrinogen, complete blood count, and hs-CRP and ESR rises can further differentiate diagnoses at times. And oh yes, ESRs and CRPs are often elevated. These are inflammatory type markers. The CRP is more closely associated with cardiac or clot/vascular event risk. People will argue that any offense to or illness in the body might elevate ESRs, and I agree. Again, do a thorough history and review of systems and check the timing, rule things out, narrow the likelihoods down. We can deduce.
I did have one obese man at a post PE hospitalization visit, who had covid and developed his PE three weeks later. I did not treat him for covid, he presented afterward. Sadly, that was in very early 2021, when hospitals were still not even telling people to go home and take aspirin with a meal daily after covid illness, despite the known clot risks, especially in the obese and sedentary. The dose is different for various people, and you should always check with your doctor before taking aspirin regularly. Did anyone else hear that aspirin was no longer safe and shouldn’t be taken for heart health or stroke prevention in the news in 2021? The timing was quite interesting.
See aapsonline.org or flccc.net or truthforhealth.org or doctors4covidethics.org for all things covid, some covid treatment and shot recovery/healing protocol help and connections to those who will treat them both. Hopefully your doctor or provider will help you, especially when you share some of the research from those websites, those protocols, and you hold a genuine conversation in effort to seek help. Be sure to get help before adding supplements or recovery protocol information, especially if you take any prescription medication. Remember, nothing I post is medical advice, and we do not have a patient-provider relationship. This is only information, and you should always seek the advice of your physician/provider.
I know an ultrasound technician who reported seeing a massive clot from the groin to the knee in a young athlete in their 20s and other clots, again, much more than previous years. I know a young man who got a PE less than a month after his covid shot. He was told it was from his covid illness, which was a month or so before the shot. How many young people could have been spared a clot or myocarditis if natural immunity were respected and the public was properly educated? So a young person has a robust immune system, and it is set to attack and neutralize spike protein and covid after the illness, as the antibodies are abundant and readied. Now, we give that young person a shot, and we have ramped up the inflammatory response and kicked the immune system into dangerous overdrive. A friend tells me one of the full-time docs in her office got a PE in summer 2021. A peer told me she had a patient with 3 clots below the waist and is also seeing more clots than expected. Funeral directors report strange, fibrous, large, and copious clots on embalming. A vascular guy across town is seeing clots in teens and numerous clots in adults. A radiologist is seeing crazy high numbers of people needing heart assisting devices in ‘22 to stay alive compared to previous years.
Spike protein is spike protein. I don’t care how one gets it. It damages endothelial lining (the inner lining of arteries and veins in the body and in the tiny blood vessels inside organs), which creates a cascade of events for increased likelihood of clot development. Some research indicates an autoimmune, hyperinflammatory state. Clot risks with these shots are elevated and known but usually ignored or denied. Blood viscosity is higher. Agglutination is thick. I will not forget one ICU doctor cursing about on a medical page post how the rest of us know nothing about treating critically ill covid patients. He said we have never seen the thick sludge-like blood of a dying covid patient so have no business talking about how to treat covid. I don’t need to be working there to see thick sludge blood, I saw it when I treated covid patients, and I see it nearly daily when we draw labs and cold agglutinin test, on patients who are just there getting their checkup, or who are now frequently ill with all kinds of new health problems, and who had spike protein created in their body from an injection.
Brandon Goodwin, a professional basketball player, hushed by the NBA, had a PE within a month of his shots. Kyle Warner, a professional BMXer, developed myocarditis, POTS, and reactive arthritis after his shots. It took him 2 or 3 hospitals and lots of docs to be taken seriously after being told he had anxiety. His life is devastated and forever changed. He was cancelled by fb and Youtube. You can find Kyle at realnotrare.com and here: Mountain bike legend Kyle Warner posts crushing video on incivility over 'career-ending' vaccine side effects (bizpacreview.com). Hundreds of young athletes have needlessly suffered, and many have died, and this toll rises nearly daily.
Bussel JB, Connors JM, Cines DB et al. Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (also termed Vaccine-induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia). American Society of Hematology Aug. 12, 2021.
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi Interview - COVID Vaccine Blood Clot Risk Was Known, Ignored & Buried (thelastamericanvagabond.com) This doctor warned from the beginning. He was cancelled. He would cry in his videos, discussing what he feared, and what is, happening to millions.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-10928-z.epdf?sharing_token=8mzsfR7uDZcoO1ZdCmHc3dRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0MOpHQVSJxgqIm7cHcTRO6tu8VWmPZHmWptfG4SQOu6rnAxHK8Wi-9GWphY-XzHxt_ViYHTFnj52rYOuFpG8uJ-OZ6mLyFFd3Vv1L_0GknSYbM2SoBJTGmMzKLhGUCYlZ8%3D this article talks about increased cardiovascular events, heart attack/myocarditis/clots in the young
Acute Myocardial Injury Following COVID -19 Vaccination: A Case Report and Review of Current Evidence from Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System Database - Anasua Deb, John Abdelmalek, Kenneth Iwuji, Kenneth Nugent, 2021 (sagepub.com) https://doi.org/10.1177%2F21501327211029230
EXCLUSIVE: Embalmer reveals 93% of cases died from the vaccine (substack.com) this embalmer shares about clots, evidence of the toes, etc. - Steve Kirsh, I highly recommend. He wants to pay people 1M to debate him, no one will.
BMJ 2021;373:n958 Thrombosis after COVID-19 vaccination BMJ 2021; 373 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n958 (Published 14 April 2021
Brandon Goodwin: 1000% the COV Vax Caused His Blood Clots, NBA Told Him to Keep Quiet! (independentsentinel.com)
https://www.regulations.gov/document/FDA-2020-N-1898-0246 Dr Whalen
Dr Been Medical Lectures this doc is amaaaaaazing. All his videoes are great!
Bikdeli B, Jiménez D, Demelo-Rodriguez P, Galeano-Valle F, Porras JA, Barba R, Ay C, Malý R, Braester A, Imbalzano E, Rosa V, Lecumberri R, Siniscalchi C, Fidalgo Á, Ortiz S, Monreal M, For The Riete Investigators. Venous Thrombosis within 30 Days after Vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 in a Multinational Venous Thromboembolism Registry. Viruses. 2022 Jan 18;14(2):178. doi: 10.3390/v14020178. PMID: 35215771; PMCID: PMC8878689.
https://investors.pfizer.com/Investors/Financials/Quarterly-Results/ s28.q4cdn.com
Diogo Goulart Corrêa, Luis Alcides Quevedo Cañete, Gutemberg Augusto Cruz dos Santos, Romulo Varella de Oliveira, Carlos Otávio Brandão, Luiz Celso Hygino da Cruz. Neurological symptoms and neuroimaging alterations related with COVID-19 vaccine: Cause or coincidence?,Clinical Imaging,Volume 80,2021, 348-352, ISSN 0899-7071, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clinimag.2021.08.021.
Liu, J., Wang, J., Xu, J. et al. Comprehensive investigations revealed consistent pathophysiological alterations after vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines. Cell Discov 7, 99 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41421-021-00329-3
Joob B, Wiwanitkit V. Change of blood viscosity after COVID-19 vaccination: estimation for persons with underlying metabolic syndrome. Int J Physiol Pathophysiol Pharmacol. 2021 Oct 15;13(5):148-151. PMID: 34868465; PMCID: PMC8611240. discussed the ‘thick blood’
Petechial rash associated with CoronaVac vaccination: first report of cutaneous side effects before phase 3 results: https://ejhp.bmj.com/content/early/2021/05/23/ejhpharm-2021-002794
David M. Smadja, Qun-Ying Yue, Richard Chocron, Olivier Sanchez, Agnes Lillo-Le Louet, Vaccination against COVID-19: insight from arterial and venous thrombosis occurrence using data from VigiBase European Respiratory Journal 2021 58: 2100956; DOI: 10.1183/13993003.00956-2021
Luigi Cari, Mahdieh Naghavi Alhosseini, Paolo Fiore, Sabata Pierno, Sabrina Pacor, Alberta Bergamo, Gianni Sava, Giuseppe Nocentini, Cardiovascular, neurological, and pulmonary events following vaccination with the BNT162b2, ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, and Ad26.COV2.S vaccines: An analysis of European data, Journal of Autoimmunity, Volume 125,2021,102742, ISSN 0896- 8411,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaut.2021.102742.
Fatma Elrashdy, Murtaza M. Tambuwala, Sk. Sarif Hassan, Parise Adadi, Murat Seyran, Tarek Mohamed Abd El-Aziz, Nima Rezaei, Amos Lal, Alaa A.A. Aljabali, Ramesh Kandimalla, Nicolas G. Bazan, Gajendra Kumar Azad, Samendra P. Sherchan, Pabitra Pal Choudhury, Ángel Serrano-Aroca, Kazuo Takayama, Gaurav Chauhan, Damiano Pizzol, Debmalya Barh, Pritam Kumar Panda, Yogendra K. Mishra, Giorgio Palù, Kenneth Lundstrom, Elrashdy M. Redwan, Vladimir N. Uversky, Autoimmunity roots of the thrombotic events after COVID-19 vaccination, Autoimmunity Reviews, Volume 20, Issue 11, 2021, 102941, ISSN 1568-9972, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.autrev.2021.102941.
There are so many more citations I could have placed here. Please continue to research.
Word of Truth for this late night:
Psalm 9:11 Sing the praises of the Lord, enthroned in Zion;
proclaim among the nations what he has done.
12 For he who avenges blood remembers;
he does not ignore the cries of the afflicted.
Help us sing to and proclaim You Lord. May we be faithful. Thank You for avenging and remembering Lord! May we cry out for all we know and for all the world in pain. Hear our cry, Lord, hear our cry.