Ovarian & menstrual issues & breastmilk
AND Lack of efficacy, MIS (Whole body Inflammation), PEs, neuro problems, demise
Good pharmacists and doctors with the Coalition Advocating for Adequately Labeled Medicines (CAALM) filed this petition to the FDA on Jan 31,2023.
It isn’t that long of a read, and it is most excellent with a pharmacist as lead. Love that woman, Linda is her name. I will recap a few items, but I highly suggest you read the petition. See page 9-14 of the petition for their discussion on these problems. But truly, consider reading it all.
They very clearly outlined their requests, based on much EVIDENCE, for proper labeling on the jab inserts and consent, of some of the adverse health effects I listed above in my title today:
Ovarian/menstrual issues, & breastmilk changes
AND Lack of efficacy, MIS-C (Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome in Children- but trust me, in adults as well, for sure!), PEs (pulmonary embolisms aka clots in lungs), neurological (brain and nerves) problems, and sudden cardiac death
They factually supported this petition with 71 citations of documents and research at the end you can glance over. There are thousands more. Just spend a day on google scholar. Or don’t, ..it isn’t much fun. Or check out this article to see directions to over 1.3K studies: https://www.thegms.co/publichealth/pubheal-rw-22042302-references.pdf among others, many others.
What did CAALM receive a couple of weeks ago? A 33 page ‘response’ letter in which they submit to only one item request out of their 11 stated adverse issues, despite factually supported research and data.
Here is just one small portion~ which makes me want to insert a
Here is the FDA’s full response to CAALM: https://downloads.regulations.gov/FDA-2023-P-0360-0191/attachment_1.pdf
From page 11, as the FDA responds to the (lack of adequate) study design and lack of efficacy and lack of prevention and transmission, I copy/paste and cite, except I bolded and italicized some, here:
“It is important to note that FDA’s authorization and licensure standards for vaccines do not require demonstration of the prevention of infection or transmission. A vaccine can meet the licensure standard if the vaccine’s benefits of protecting against disease outweigh the vaccine’s risks for the licensed use. There is no requirement that the vaccine also prevents infection with the pathogen that can cause the disease or transmission of that pathogen to others.48 Similarly, a vaccine can meet the EUA standard without any evidence that the vaccine prevents infection or transmission. To that end, there is no requirement that the clinical trials supporting a vaccine’s licensure or authorization be designed to determine whether the vaccine prevents infection of a pathogen or transmission of that pathogen to others”.
Yep. This is the FDA’s own statements. I hope we remember them.
(Yes, hard core people friends, I know this isn’t really a vaccine, as we all know, the definition of the word was changed in January 2021. It is just easier to use the word ‘vaccine’ sometimes. Plus, it may get a few who otherwise would not listen to perhaps engage. Here of course, the gov refers to it as a vaccine so for this article, I am too).
Now to the unbolded sentence: a vaccine can meet licensure standard if the ‘benefits of protecting against disease’ outweigh the risks!!! Ummmm, you, FDA, just said the vaccines ‘do not require demonstration of the prevention of infection’ and ‘without any evidence that the vaccine prevents infection’ and ‘no requirement that the vaccine also prevents infection with the pathogen’ and ‘no requirement… to determine whether the vaccine prevents infection’ is needed in their clinical trials.
This is what we know as nonsensical arguments over words. Lots of words. No actual meaning. No application to reality. Not real life. No meaning to the millions of injured who still got sick or still died. Mumbo-jumbo. Stall. Corporate nonsense. Mislead. Sounds like legal-ease. High sounding. Total nonsense. Placation. Blah-blah. The Lord has something to say about that.
I leave you with 2 Timothy 2, though there are many more scriptures on truth and words: 14 Keep reminding God’s people of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen. 15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 16 Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly. 17 Their teaching will spread like gangrene.
My, how they use godless chatter and their teaching did spread across the globe like gangrene. And, their bribery influence.. see my last post. Back to the matter at hand…
So if it doesn’t have to prove or do any of those things, how exactly can a new technology experimental ‘vaccine’ ‘benefit’ outweigh the risk?? Or have any ‘benefit’ at all?? The benefit is supposed to be to prevent infection and reduce illness and transmission, isn’t it? I mean, that is what the whole wide world was told over and over again, by media and government and medical leaders. Isn’t that why most ppl took a rushed, experimental?? Or were they just coerced, blackmailed and lied to?? Either way, umm. No. YOU LIED.
Or, FDA, is there some other ‘benefit’ for which you know and want, but have not shared it with the public???
So if there is no benefit nor burden of proof for one, then risks should be zero, nil, and nonexistent. But, the risks are huge and very, very many. (for that matter, why bother?)
Page 9-14 of the CAALM petition describe just a few of the documentations supporting their call for labeling of the product inserts with menstrual changes, breastmilk effects, multisystem inflammatory response in children (trust me, its adults too, just see my book or check google scholar, or talk to your friends who had any kind of new/flared pain or a medical problem ending in -itis within 6-12 months post jab), lung clots, neurological problems, and sudden deaths.
Mycyclestory was formed to study and collect data on women’s menstrual and bleeding issues for this reason. Many cases of decidual cast shedding in 2021. Compared to just 100 or so in the last several decades. Millions with menstrual/ovarian changes. I pray they don’t lose fertility sooner than they would normally have. Consider adding your story there. https://mycyclestory.com/
This systematic review of over 78K women reveals results that over 52% of women reported menstrual abnormalities post jab. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vacun.2022.07.001
You can also see Chapter 11 in my book, just know you are not alone if you have experienced cycle changes or return of menses after menopause. https://www.amazon.com/Vaccine-Injuries-Lies-Deaths-Resources/dp/B0BXNJLZF9/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2WJU3BZ8F9Y99&keywords=deanna+kline+vaccine&qid=1682892875&sprefix=deanna+kline+vaccine%2Caps%2C240&sr=8-1
In short, burden of PROOF OF SAFETY AND EFFICACY IS ON FDA AND THE MANUFACTURERS. It is not on the forthcoming and already seen research and reality after the fact of millions of deaths and injuries and tens of thousands of disabilities. It is not on the public. Yet, FDA misleadingly picks at the research provided, uses nonsensical word arguments with no application to real world effects, and ignores the harmed.
A few good doctors and scientists, though, are prooving the harms every day.
For clots of all kinds see this systematic review reporting ‘frequent’ ones: https://doi.org/10.1002/iid3.807 or simply go to google scholar and in the search bar, type in mRNA pulmonary embolism, change the dates to 2021-2023, to see over 10K studies, many of which show PE and other cardiac issues combined!
But oh,.. no,.. FDA sees nothing, hears nothing, admits nothing. It dishes out word salad though.
Perhaps those FDA folks, who haven’t already resigned: https://nypost.com/2021/09/01/two-senior-fda-officials-resign-over-biden-administration-booster-shot-plan/
will only be woken up to actually look at data and timelines and young folks with zero risks, or their own Medicare data, when one of their loved ones dies of sudden cardiac death, like this world-renowned cardiologist: https://insulinresistance.org/index.php/jir/article/view/71
The Lord said to me, “Son of man, these are the men who are plotting evil and giving wicked advice in this city.
Apologies! Here is correct link to FDA response https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23599242-fda-response-to-caalm