Low back pain, from various spinal or muscular diagnoses, and joint pains or injuries are commonly seen in primary care. Spinal stenosis, disc degeneration, weak, sprained, or strained muscles and tendons, arthritis, and the occasional excruciating herniated disc are encountered. This is nothing new.
Even the previously rare temporal, or giant cell, arteritis (GCA) or new onset polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) was seen in primary care. Did I say rare, like 1-2 cases over five years, before 2021? Yes, rare.
Definitely different, escalated, and new patterns of pain emerged in the second half of 2021. Unusually high numbers of people began complaining of some of the very same things. Some of these things I had never heard in such frequent repetition before 2021.
A joint that had been replaced many years ago and that hadn’t bothered the people since the surgical time was now painful and bothersome surrounding it. A previous hernia repair or asymptomatic hernia or other abdominal surgery site that was well healed for years was suddenly causing discomfort again. A previously slight or occasional low back, hip, neck, and/or shoulder pain, which never required over the counter pain medicine, was quite suddenly and severely flared. The hip or shoulder pain onset was quite quick, severe, and unrelieved by their usual at home or over the counter measures. Several people complained of new onset heel pain and/or pain in the toes. Several people complained of a lateral headache and soreness, painful scalp and hair sensitivity, ear and behind the ear or TMJ pain. Some of the people complained of all these things over a few months’ time span. A few folks had pain in nearly every joint and muscle.. I’ll talk about them in a different post since I promised to keep this one shorter.
I have heard “I’m just falling apart”, “I have no idea what could have caused this pain”, and “I can’t think of anything that could have triggered it” or “I didn’t do anything different”. I’d estimate I have heard these phrases over a hundred times since mid-2021 at this point, and I am just one provider.
I can think of something that triggered the inflammatory pain and that the person had that was new and different in their body.
Spike protein is spike protein. Spike and its effects are in my opinion, gasoline on your one flame of inflammation. I don’t care how you got the spike protein, via illness or injection, it often acts the same and research is supports this. Read to the end to see research on this.
The Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, or ESR, and the C-Reactive Protein, or CRP, are inflammatory marker blood tests. They don’t diagnose anything specific. They simply tell us there is a certain level of inflammation in your body. The elevated ESR can mean general inflammation such as in smokers or the morbidly obese, or can be seen when there is an active flare of an arthritic joint, infection, widespread allergic rash, actively growing cancer, and many other illnesses. The elevated CRP is more specific to cardiac or vascular inflamed risks, such as strokes or heart attacks. Naysayers would dismiss this discussion by saying that anything offensive to the body can raise inflammation, such as weight gain, lousy diet changes, excessive alcohol, an allergic insect bite, and other bodily insults, and I agree with them. But we can rule things out, we can ask questions, we can discern. And when all else is ruled out and the only new and different thing was an injection, well, that is also an ‘anything’ offensive to the body.
When I had dozens of people with a normal ESR and/or CRP for 3-5 years on their lab results prior to 2021, and then later in 2021 when they had a new health problem, especially pain, and the ESR doubled, tripled, or quadrupled with no other explanation, I would simply ask the dates of their injections, dates of onset of new health problems, and note the ‘inexplicable’ rise in their inflammatory markers.
Thankfully, most of these people responded very well to prednisone. They were happy to be out of pain, or at least have much lowered levels of pain. A few needed extended courses. I have prescribed prednisone more in the last year than in the previous five years combined. It did resolve or greatly improve most people’s pain. Some of them needed some physical therapy additionally. A few sought orthopedic consultation. More than one returned to me saying the orthopedic doctor said no surgery was needed, or we found that the xrays or imaging I ordered (usually upon their insistence) showed nothing different than years ago to explain the pain. Well, yes, of course, that is because it is just inflammation at a place of susceptibility, it is not a mechanical or structural joint problem. Essentially, wherever a person had an area of slight or mild inflammation in their body, was now an area of moderate or severe inflammation, and that equals a newly felt or much worsened pain or health problem unless or until the inflammation can be somehow relieved. In the worst cases, this required surgery and steroids.
There is of course several contraindications to taking prednisone or any steroid. There are many precautions and other medical considerations with its use, so it is not to be considered lightly. You should always seek your personal medical providers advice. This is only information and in no way is any recommendation nor medical relationship. Anything I post is for information only and is my personal experience and opinion.
The poor people who suffered terribly from the previously rare GCA, PMR, or rhabdomyolysis will be the feature of a future post. Stay tuned. If you missed the high blood pressure or clot posts, please go back to July posts to read those.
Did you or anyone you know experience new or usual pain problems or unexpected health issues 1-6 months after the injections? Please comment below and if this community becomes a place of mutual listening and support, so be it. I hope it blesses in more ways than one.
IF you want to be part of or read some research, or if your doctor refuses to acknowledge your new health problem, visit react19.org, truthforhealth.org, flccc.net, myfreedoctor.com, aapsonline.org, doctors4covidethics.org, aflds.org, or c19vaxreactions.com. Then, get off the couch, donate to some of these places if you can, and share your experience to spread truth and seek healing. Don’t let anyone dismiss you or minimize your suffering if you believe you or your loved one were harmed.
In Proverbs 4:20-22, the Word of Truth says… Listen carefully to my words. Don’t lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body.
Thank you, Lord, that in Your goodness You simply heal us, in every way and especially in the most important Way. And thank You that You help us to use good, cheap, old medicines to squelch our pain when the time and reason are right.
Khayat-Khoei, M., Bhattacharyya, S., Katz, J. et al. COVID-19 mRNA vaccination leading to CNS inflammation: a case series. J Neurol 269, 1093–1106 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00415-021- 10780-7 Chapter 5 1 Post COVID -19 vaccine small fiber neuropathy - Waheed - 2021 - Muscle & Nerve - Wiley Online Library https://doi.org/10.1002/mus.2725 there are many articles on CNS inflammation which I will share in future posts - more directly- on brain and spinal cord inflammation, transverse myelitis, stay tuned
Faissner, S., Richter, D., Ceylan, U. et al. COVID-19 mRNA vaccine induced rhabdomyolysis and fasciitis. J Neurol 269, 1774–1775 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00415-021-10768-3
Mahmoud Nassar, Howard Chung, Yarl Dhayaparan, Andrew Nyein, Bryan Jose Acevedo, Celestin Chicos, David Zheng, Mathieu Barras, Mahmoud Mohamed, Mostafa Alfishawy, Nso Nso, Vincent Rizzo, Eben Kimball, COVID-19 vaccine induced rhabdomyolysis: Case report with literature review,Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, Volume 15, Issue 4, 2021, 102170, ISSN 1871-4021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsx.2021.06.007.
Hyun H, Song JY, Seong H, Yoon JG, Noh JY, Cheong HJ, Kim WJ. Polyarthralgia and Myalgia Syndrome after ChAdOx1 nCOV-19 Vaccination. J Korean Med Sci. 2021 Aug 30;36(34):e245. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2021.36.e245. PMID: 34463066; PMCID: PMC8405407. multiple joint and muscle pain after jab
Erler, A., Fiedler, J., Koch, A., Heldmann, F. and Schütz, A. (2021), Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis After Vaccination With a SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine. Arthritis Rheumatol, 73: 2188- 2188. https://doi.org/10.1002/art.41910 -itis means inflammation
Kowarz E, Krutzke L, Reis J, et al. “Vaccine-Induced COVID-19 Mimicry” Syndrome: Splice reactions within the SARS-CoV-2 Spike open reading frame result in Spike protein variants that may cause thromboembolic events in patients immunized with vector-based vaccines. Research Square; 2021. DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-558954/v1 . this article discussed jab induced spike mimicking the illness
Liu, J., Wang, J., Xu, J. et al. Comprehensive investigations revealed consistent pathophysiological alterations after vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines. Cell Discov 7, 99 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41421-021-00329-3
https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj-2021-068414 -links to study delay of presentation of symptoms
Abstract 10712: Observational Findings of PULS Cardiac Test Findings for Inflammatory Markers in Patients Receiving mRNA Vaccines | Circulation (ahajournals.org) big boys mandated rewording of this high implication study that shows heart attack risk is doubled after jab for at least 10 weeks, study was stopped so we don’t know how long risk is higher ..yet
Thank you for your commitment to truth and supporting your patients and all of us.