UK Interview 'Hold The Line' 14 mo ago!
I cringe hearing some things I said, things like 'virus'... I am still learning,.. we all are.
Millions have woken up, but millions are still asleep, so maybe sharing will awaken someone. I have been told my book opened eyes of parents, friends, adult children, etc. My patients would say “I’m chapter ___” or “I saw my friend in chapter____”, or “that happened to my ___________!”
Wow! The UK has independent journalists who formed at group in 2021 called HOLD the LINE. Nice. Makes me hopeful. Check out Roger Guttridge and I in the video and consider sharing to your still sleeping loved ones.
See their website
Link to book:
I get tired at times, of repeating, so I am writing to save time. People awaken at different times. Usually after they start wondering about their recent health scare. I am not giving medical advice and we do not have a provider-patient relationship. Talk to your providers. If you take any medicines or have any health concerns, see your doctor to discuss this information and before taking anything new. This is simply general information and my opinion from my experience as well as lengthy reading.
The jabs are extremely pro-inflammatory. See 400K studies on jab and illness effects!
So, get your inflammation down to reduce your risks. Cut sugar, wheat since it is vastly overprocessed, dairy, alcohol, and hopefully you do not smoke. Stay well hydrated. Consider natural anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory help like high dose Vit C (or for example, eat kiwi every day), turmeric (cook with it alot or capsules), quercitin, resveratrol, green tea/extract (drink it or capsules), NAC, astaxanthin, or others. Make sure your D level is 60-90 (unless you have kidney disease 4-5 you have to take a lower dose or none, check with your doctor!).
Replenish your gut bacteria, which is wiped out by jabs and the illness especially if you had diarrhea or abdominal pain. Evidence shows bifidobacterium are wiped out which can lead to many health issues from psychiatric symptoms to autoimmune or histamine issues. Align probiotic or many others have the bifido, lots of bifido types! Consider recovery protocol or find a provider at to help you. Consider good flora in good food - if you can tolerate these- like sauerkraut, plain greek yogurt, kefir, ghee from grassfed cows, or kombuchas and pickled food, like grandma used to make.
If you like reading, type your terms in the Google Scholar search bar, such as ‘covid vaccine myocarditis’, ‘covid vaccine embolism’ or the like. Change the date range to 2021-2024 and you can get a quick count of just the number of studies on each adverse effect. You might have to wade through some opposing views, but they are there.
Realize that when you read a study they have to be politically correct, still tout jab ‘success’ and how devastating the ‘pandemic’ was despite wide knowledge the more jabs you take the more likely you are to get sick again (Cleveland Clinic Study of 50K ppl), and the numbers were falsely elevated the whole way through- see my video above or read the sources in my book.
It could be 20 years before we see all the things connected to the jabs. Conventional medicine had finally admitted that depression is often linked to poor gut flora just over 2 years ago, while natural, holistic, and functional medicine has known that for decades.
A prior very healthy and thin and athletic friend of mine in her early 40s just got diagnosed with myocarditis and endocarditis a couple of months ago. She only took the first two shots back in ‘21. She did not get sick with ‘covid’ prior to these diagnoses.
Just google spikeopathy. “Spikeopathy” no matter from jabs or illness.
The effects can be the same devastation to one’s health.
Especially if your body is already inflamed by poor health, old injuries/scars, lots of viruses or by ‘covid’ shots.
This interview was about 14 months ago, and many are still entirely unaware they or their family member were injured. Many are heading out to get the fall ‘booster’, head still deep in the sand with the evening news. Will we continue to help them get the truth?
Or will we just let it all pass, you know,.. ‘pandemic’ fatigue?
Get on with our lives, we are sick of it all, it is water under the bridge… gone?.. until the next ‘government’ lockdowns and mandates.
Will people discern the truth next time? Not be controlled by fear?
Will the younger generations be taught the truth about all the massive lies, propaganda, bribery, and strong-arming that took place?
Will they learn to discern? Are they loved enough to be warned? To be protected?
We have all learned something, perhaps many things the last few years.
I have learned that I am not even sure anymore if cold viruses exist. Crazy? Right? Maybe, maybe not.
I sure do think some illnesses do exist, but it seems others might not. Hmmm. I still have not concluded, but I still read and look and seek. Help me discern, Lord.
26M viewers. Tons of research. Books. FOIAs that turn up empty. Hmmmm.
Let’s keep learning. Let’s not refuse to grow.
History seems re-written on our media. Re-written in our schools?
Thankfully, the LORD never changes or re-writes HIStory!
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
Behold, I am against those who prophesy lying dreams, declares the Lord, and who tell them and lead my people astray by their lies and their recklessness, when I did not send them or charge them. So they do not profit this people at all, declares the Lord. Jeremiah 23:32
The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands nor give up worshiping demons and idols of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk, nor did they repent of their murders or their sorceries (PHARMAKEIA, SPELLS) or their sexual immorality or their thefts. Revelation 9:20-21.
if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
Much love to all!