World-Renowned Docs
Were Canceled, Vilified, Threatened, Mocked, Intimidated, Jailed, and... ARE GOING STRONG!!
Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. & Senator Scott Jensen,
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Simone Gold, Dr. Stella Immanuel,
Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Sheila Furey, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, Dr. Judy Mikovitz,
too many to list, and, praise God, more all the time!
All the FLCCC and AAPS docs and at least 17K physicians and scientists of the Global Covid Summit (
and hundreds more at, as well as healthcare professionals of many kinds joining freedom groups worldwide.
Love these people. 100% Heros. May there be more like them to come 'round to courage, truth and love. I ask you consider finding a way to support them or medical freedom in your state.
Living in VA, I have seen Dr. Marik speak a few times, and each time he breaks down nearly crying for the injury, especially to the young, from this horrific jab. He is a very humble and gentle man. But yet a true hero, an expert, a world-leader in his field. He is cited over 50K times and has an H-index of 112 (excellent, top scientist range) on Google Scholar.
When Wavy 10 ‘news’ in Hampton Roads Virginia ‘reported’ the Sentara Hospital Corporation issue, all they could talk about was one prescribing issue in Marik’s entire career. Did they mention his long, respected, zero-complaint, and prestigious career both at the bedside and in research? No. Did they report he was saving lives in covid illness? No. Did they report his patients asked for his advice and in many cases specifically, ivermectin? No. They mocked and vilified him, they canceled him. They told a parroted narrative and misled the people of Hampton Roads. Shame on Wavy 10, full of propaganda parroted ‘news’.
Sentara played games, suspending him just as he took them to court in effort to save lives by protecting the right to prescribe and to maintain provider-patient relationships and decision making without the interference of the corporate heads or government bribery of them. Who still believes Sentara is a nonprofit? Anyone? Or, has the definition of nonprofit changed recently too?
Imagine, we now have to fight to protect the provider-patient relationship, privacy, and the right to prescribe what patient’s ask for or decide. You have to protect the right to choose your treatments. You have to protect your right to fully informed consent. You have to protect your right to keep everyone else out of your medical decisions. You even, in many cases, have to protect your right to say no without retribution or neglect. NEGLECT!
All those rights and expectations in healthcare disappeared in 2020.
I remember a 30-something year old young man I helped, who was told to ‘get out’ of Sentara Princess Anne ER because he refused remdesivir. His oxygen saturation was in the 80s! He is IN HIS THIRTIES! What is wrong when a hospital system, the doc and the nurse permit this? He most certainly could have died. He easily had the criteria for admission, but because he refused remdesivir, he was TOLD TO LEAVE and was REFUSED TREATMENT. They didn’t even remove his IV lock or tell him to take an aspirin. They neglected him for not going along with their decision. His decisions were ignored!
Now in many cases of course, this is a doctor’s decision, but I have no doubt just as many times, (I suspect moreso), it is NOT the doctors decision. It is the hospital or corporation administrative decision. One doctor I know has it on paper. A letter from her hospital admin says they won’t be reimbursed by insurance for a certain cheap, old drug so that is why she wasn’t permitted to prescribe it in that hospital.
(A few young men and women will have worse cases of covid due to their high androgenic characteristics, possible pre-diabetes/metabolic syndrome, possible critical low Vit D levels, etc. but this is not typical of young people. This case was also during the delta wave which was more severe than 2022). Remember, unvaccinated young adults recovered 99.98% of time and under 18 recovered 99.997% of time, without any treatment.
He requested prednisone and doxycycline and was refused these medications despite them being on the proven AAPS protocol for the treatment of COVID -way back then. Now, over a year later, they give doxycycline all the time for covid, and dexamethasone or prednisone to many patients, too!
In my circle we call remdesivir, ‘run-death-is-near’. He knew that it was a dangerous drug, often causing kidney failure, because he did his research. Fauci has tried and failed and permitted the risky use of it on folks many years ago, and has recycled it for covid, and your government will pay hospitals tens of thousands of dollars to use it. I guess they want to use it up, because it is good for nothing but harm and is not indicated for ANYTHING. Even the WHO came out in late 2021 and RECOMMENDED AGAINST IT. Here in the US? Well, hospitals continue to use it because they make a pretty profit, while patients die.
Meanwhile, every single day I have friends who give their cat insulin for diabetes and dog heart failure medications and horse ivermectin. Insulin and heart failure meds? Aren’t those meds for humans? Well yes, they are. In HUMAN DOSES WHEN FOR A HUMAN. IN CAT DOSES WHEN FOR A CAT. IN DOG DOSES WHEN FOR A DOG. AND IN HORSE DOSES WHEN FOR A HORSE. There are over 90 studies showing the absolute benefit of ivermectin now- Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time meta-analysis of 93 studies -and back then there were over 65 studies. Ivermectin has been known as one of the world’s most important medicines, given billions of times, safer than tylenol, and of whom the discoverers won a Nobel prize.
Is that what your ‘news’ told you? It certainly isn’t what Wavy ‘news’ 10 in Virginia nor your CDC told you. Do you remember the CDC mocking ivermectin, essentially canceling it? All the while, the NIH guidance was ‘not for or against’ the use of ivermectin.
I remember watching Dr. Bhakdi on video, who was canceled early on in 2021, because he knew, predicting correctly from the very beginning what would happen to people’s immune systems from these jabs. He described the pathophysiology and his fear of what would likely happen and balled his eyes out, stark pale in horror. Pray for him, as Germany seeks to prosecute him for fake, made up charges. His trial is in the spring of 2023. Meanwhile, all he warned is coming true before my eyes as I see patients in 2022 with an acute onset of hemolytic anemia, panctyopenia, or constant, recurrent illnesses, ‘accidents’, and acute hospitalizations post boosters.
I remember Dr./Senator Jensen, who was canceled off youtube as he explained that he was being directed to assign covid deaths on death certificates, something he has never been directed to do his whole career. He, and other physicians, were always the ones to make the call on the cause of death, until 2020. Soon after, he would be persecuted and have to fight to keep his license, from an ‘anonymous’ complaint with zero explanation to the Minnesota board of medicine.
I remember Dr McCullough, who was canceled, and is currently being ‘investigated’ by the board of internal medicine. He saved thousands, and tens of thousands of lives as other providers worldwide, such as myself, used his protocols to treat delta covid. His paper on early covid treatment with UCLA, Yale and Italian physicians is the most downloaded paper on covid ever.
He is still saving thousands and has been the number one speaker warning about persistent and dangerous myocarditis post jab and that the people who are most vaccine harmed are from certain batches, or who had natural immunity when they were jabbed, making their jab- and harm- entirely unnecessary. And that is why so many are developing heart rhythm abnormalities, clots, and heart failure now. So, he continues saving lives, post jab injury. In the video above, he insists the jabs cause more harm than good, and I 100% agree with him. He insists this is the largest biologic catastrophe and cover up in history, under government crimes, and I 100% agree with him. He reports this death accumulation is worse than all wars combined in our history, and I 100% agree with him.
It is survival of the fittest for those suffering post jab now. Seek help for healing at if you had those shots and your health has not been the same since.
Dr Cole lost half his business being mocked and canceled for warning about fast growing cancers and unusual cancers in young people, post jab. He still calmly, factually, and compassionately warns. or Now, as seen on his website, he is working with docs worldwide developing autopsy protocols to determine jab deaths vs. nonjab deaths, educating docs on physiological changes post jab, and directing others toward healing paths.
This is why they are so 'demonized'. Demons like to attack everything Good, impersonate them as much as possible, fool others into trusting them, and they are jealous and cannot love for their love of evil, selfishness, demise, and lies.
These men and women hero docs can and do love. And they are experts in their fields. And they want ethics in the medical profession. And they are risking their all, for you. Choose your sides, my friends. There is no longer an in between. Be determined.
Be a hero.
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Be strong and courageous. Joshua 10:25
Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. John 15:13
The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. 1 Timothy 4:1-2
You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that- and shudder. James 2:19
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and very courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
These heros are a few who inspired me to write my book to honor the fallen and injured, and to tell the truth.
I'm told my book has red-pilled some. I may go watch the Matrix again, LOL, .. probably not, seems a waste of time, which is precious, now.
My book Gasoline -Observations After New Covid Inoculations, is available here: