Geeeeee. ‘doctors are mystified’, public health authorities can’t figure it out, and ‘elevated troponin’ suddenly means nil to them. Troponin is just your heart muscle damage amount, after all, no big deal. Yeah, NO.
How about scientists and doctors who are NOT mystified and are actually researching just don’t follow the gov and corporate narrative because they have truthful research and actual patient cases.
This might present a crisis of belief for you, but we must face it. Let’s face it together.
In my opinion, this will be a front to make it look like they are studying, they will publish fake accounts and reasons, but note the US site for this office states ‘research’ and ‘dna’ collection.
So until proven otherwise, nice try but I do not trust any new office of or registry of…anything medically or public health or child or adult ‘protection’ related.
Their fruit is rotten.
Discern, friends.
I’ll stick to the docs and scientists I follow, not the gov who has been proven wrong repeatedly all through the covid nonsense, monkey/moneypox, now RSV jabs coming out, and corruption in our CDC, FDA, and ACIP since the 1980s when big pHARMa asked for immunity for all jabs because they were getting sued too often. They got immunity in 1986 and the generations have paid with their health and sanity and continue to do so. Chronic illness in kids is now normal. Shameful and corrupt. Just sickening, literally.
The Lord said to me, “Son of man, these are the men who are plotting evil and giving wicked advice in this city.
I write to you, dear children, because you know the Father. I write to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God lives in you, and you have overcome the evil one.
People tell me stories of the tragedy they have in their family or circle of friends. They ask me to pray. They tell me in the exam room. Sometimes, it’s they themselves who had a life altering medical event as well, but they also lost loved ones recently.
NOT to covid illness.
Each person thinks they are telling me an unusual and rare story, they are under ‘alot of stress’ and grieving the loss of multiple family members for friends in the last six months or year.
What they don’t know is that I hear stories like that multiple times nearly each day.
They say:
‘my husband, father, and brother in law died, all in the last six months’
‘my husband died, then my sister died a month later, and my son had a massive stroke, please make it stop, I just can’t take anymore’
‘my husband has terrible dementia now, my son has stage 4 cancer out of no where, and I’m falling apart’
‘my son died and that was out of the blue, my neighbor died too, and I am just so tired all the time, I hope my (specialist doctor) gets answers from (this procedure) I’ll have on Thursday’
Soooooo many having brain surgery, I heard of brain surgery in 5 people 5 days in a row recently. Several in the last few weeks too.
Never before in 35 years in the field!
Soooo many having clots, several patients every day.
Never before in 35 years!
Soooooo many having blood abnormalities and severe inflammation. Severe inflammation will look DIFFERENT in each of us, depending on our weak, or mildly inflamed area of our body. For some its the gut, others the joints, others the lungs, others the brain, others the heart vessels. For some it creates autoimmune diseases.
It’s why I had my first ever cases of SIRS- systemic inflammatory response syndrome with hospitalizations, both in 70-80 year olds and in 20 somethings!
It’s why a teenager and a 30 year old required heart bypass surgery recently, a typical problem in much older ages.
It’s why there has been an explosion of skin cancers, even in the young. Again, this thing ages you. Inflammation is expected to go up in aging, as well as in obesity. Severe inflammation leads to cellular changes. Cellular changes lead to various health problems, including cancer.
It’s why there is more and more severe diverticulitis, appendicitis, gallbladder issues, pancreatitis, urinary tract infections and kidney stones, respiratory infections, worsened lung disease, worsened heart disease, worsened vascular disease, fast cancers/returning cancers, allergies, ‘dementia’ (which does not happen in a few weeks time!).. which is really brain inflammation AKA encephalitis.
Inflammation is very bad.
The jab is pro-inflammatory.
I don’t have time to add the research studies proving these things, I would be here for at least a month. You can find the research citations in my book on amazon, entitled Gasoline -Observations After New Covid Inoculations. It is soon to be retitled and covered, to “Vaccine” Injuries, Lies, and Deaths -The Alarming Facts about the Covid Vaccine and Where to Find Healing, which will be released very soon. It is the same book except there is an added Preface, In Memory of …. list of some of my patients who I believe died as a result of the jabs and their number of days onset of symptoms and signs post jab, and a clearer invitation to Jesus added. Long story, but several moves of the Lord connected people and wholly provided means to make that happen.
I plan to offer a very, very low price e-book for the first week, because the subject is important and sooooo many are still in the dark about it. If you are so inclined, please consider a review on amazon to help others see how you perceive the book may have either helped you, confirmed things for a loved one, or could help the public, and get it going.
You can also follow research from Dr Peter McCullough and Dr Pierre Kory, among hundreds of others. Spend some time on Google Scholar and you’ll find over 20K studies if you just type ‘mRNA inflammation’ in the search bar! You can search ‘mRNA myocarditis’, ‘mRNA encephalopathy’, among a myriad of other issues for thousands upon thousands of research articles supporting the harms from the jabs. Too bad none of that makes it to most ‘news’ outlets. Journalism is dying a slow death in the ‘mainstream’. Long live substack LOL, there are many truth hunters here!
Further, if you visit the site listed below of the VRBPAC FDA meeting from pre-jab rollouts on US soil, you can see on page 17 all the known ‘working-list’ side effects including the things I stated here today, as well as SIRS in children, except it is in teens and adults too. You can also see their supposed plans for cross-agency monitoring of safety. Anyone like to FOIA those items? I think we would come up empty.
Remember, find healing for your body if needed from or or or locally, come and see me although I am learning it as it is published, as are many honest medical professionals.
Please do not feel bad for me seeing all this terrible mess. I am well. He heals me in every way. Jesus is my Mighty Counselor, Prince of Peace, Savior, and Best Friend who is closer than a brother.
Please, instead, take action for truth. Do not let the school system lie to you, twist words, and make you think it is mandatory for all kids to be vaccinated. Write, email, take truth your school boards, dept of health, governor, local lawmakers, etc. And never forget.
had been getting flu shots every year for last 30 years up to 2020, no more “vaccinations” of any kind after that last flu shot 2020 and noticed that my recurring tendonitis totally disappeared. the products are absolutely inflammatory.
two Substacks digging deep on the bioweapon crime:
Apologies-- here is the link that works: