had been getting flu shots every year for last 30 years up to 2020, no more “vaccinations” of any kind after that last flu shot 2020 and noticed that my recurring tendonitis totally disappeared. the products are absolutely inflammatory.

two Substacks digging deep on the bioweapon crime:



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I'm with you. I had some mild degree of POTS for years and joint pain half my life. POTS settled down but then I joined the USAF and got lots of jabs. I'm glad your tendonitis is better. Indeed, bailiwick and sasha are amazing!

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Apologies-- here is the link that works: https://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download

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Thank you Deanna

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Thanks for your constant encouragement Sandra it means more than you know 🧡

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I think of you on the front lines, witnessing and experiencing the damages, pain and loss. I am an RMT. I work with clients whom I often suspect injured from the mRNA shots. I find it painful and lonely being compassionate and caring. Most people in my sphere do not want to talk about any possible problems. Thank you for being vocal. I will get a few copies of your book and see if some people I know will read and reflect. Let us know when your revised book is available.

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FYI my picture logo here is different than from when I post from my phone (above), I'm trying to get that straight with substack, just wanted to let you know it is me

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I’m with you. Often painful. I hope you have some good friends with whom you can confide. Please consider joining us in VAMFA if you’re in Virginia or search your states medical freedom group.. you’ll make fast friends. There are more and more all the time waking up to the need to protect freedoms fall kinds. I’m here to listen if you need to vent and email me at nptru4u@proton.me if you want to connect further.

Thank you so much! The new book is available now on amazon, just today. The e -book will be out in a few days and is much cheaper.



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I’m with you. Often painful. I hope you have some good friends with whom you can confide. Please consider joining us in VAMFA if you’re in Virginia or search your states medical freedom group.. you’ll make fast friends. There are more and more all the time waking up to the need to protect freedoms fall kinds. I’m here to listen if you need to vent and email me at nptru4u@proton.me if you want to connect further.

Thank you so much! The new book is available now on amazon, just today. The e -book will be out in a few days and is much cheaper.



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